(Bohemia, NY – Feb. 17, 2014) – Leveraging Photonics Industries’ strength as the pioneer of intracavity solid-state harmonic lasers, Photonics Industries has just released a UV ns laser, the DSH-355-25, that delivers up to 30W of intracvity harmonic average power at 355nm from a compact, rugged, monolithic laser head.
Photonics Industries’s patented intracavity UV Generation has the advantage of non-consumable THG crystals with no crystal indexing required. It allows for a simpler optical resonator for better stability insensitive to ambient temperature changes. The more efficient harmonic conversions realized from intracavity UV Generation enables lighter weight/smaller form factor laser heads that can be readily mounted on movable platforms.
The growing mobile appliance market is demanding higher throughput industrial laser micromaching application such as flexible PCB cutting and wafer scribing which are readily served by Photonics Industries’s higher power intracavity UV lasers.
Photonics Industries is the pioneer in the development of intra-cavity solid-state harmonic lasers and since our first high power green harmonic laser was introduced back in 1993, Photonics Industries has been creating the development history of harmonic solid-state lasers, especially Q-switched intra-cavity harmonic lasers. This introduction of our new high power Intracavity UV ns lasers are the latest achievement since our recent introduction of our new DM100-527, the highest pulse energy 100mJ YLF lasers available producing up to100mJ in a single polarization from a single head configuration for applications ranging from ultrafast Ti:Sapphire amplifier pumping and Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) to annealing semiconductor materials for the power industry.
Visit Photonics Industries at the upcoming LASER World of PHOTONICS CHINA booth number E3.3512 in Shanghai or go to www.photonix.com to learn more about our lasers. To meet with Photonics Industries while attending the show, please contact Dr Joyce Kilmer, jkilmer@photonix.com
Photonics Industries high power DS Series Q-Switched, intra-cavity
UV harmonic Nd:YVO4 lasers