(Bohemia, NY – Mar. 7, 2014) – Global demand for mobile devices is driving the need to more efficiently cut tempered glasses. Photonics Industries’ novel RGH Series ps lasers dramatically reduce the takt time to full cut tempered glass. In the following video link, a Photonics Industries RGH-1064-30 RGH ps laser full cuts 0.7mmt glass tempered with a 40um DOL:
with small enough cracks (<3um chip) and sufficient strength (150~200 MPa) to eliminate the post laser grinding/polishing step.
With glass cutting, the user desires to slow the rep rate down around the curved cut sections, but increase it during the straight cut sections. The advantage of the Photonics Industries RGH Series ps lasers is the ability to vary the pulse repetition rate (i.e., prf) “on the fly” while processing. Other ps laser manufacturers have fixed rep rates and the user cannot dynamically vary the rep rate.
For a copy of this new application note:
Glass Cutting with the Variable prf RGH Series ps Laser
please contact Dr. Joyce Kilmer at jkilmer@photonix.com.
See these novel ps lasers, as well as, our new UV ns lasers that delivers up to 30W at 355nm of intracvity harmonic average power and our new DM100-527, the highest pulse energy YLF lasers available producing up to100mJ in a single polarization from a single head configuration. Also, please attend Dr Kilmer’s presentation:
High Power/Pulse Energy Intracavity Lasers, Metrology, and QC
at the upcoming LASER World of PHOTONICS CHINA expo in Shanghai March 18-20, 2014.
Visit Photonics Industries at booth number E3.3512 at LASER World of PHOTONICS CHINA in Shanghai http://world-of-photonics.net/en/laser-china/start or go to www.photonix.com to learn more about our lasers.
Tempered glass cut with Photonics Industries RGH Series 1064nm ps laser