Intravascular photoacoustic imaging using Photonics Industries OPO Laser Technology. Scientific research laser technology for innovations in biomedical imaging.
Photonics Industries high pulse repetition rate, tunable, intracavity OPO system, with a pulse duration of 10 ns and a tunable repetition rate from 2 kHz to 10 kHz was used for the excitation of C-H bonds, for intravascular photoacoustic imaging.
“[…] In this work, we report an intravascular photoacoustic catheter with mode self-cleaning in a graded-index fiber to improve the beam quality and the sensitivity for lipid detection. […] A 1731 nm laser (Photonics Industries) with a pulse duration of 10 ns and a tunable repetition rate from 2 kHz to 10 kHz was used for the excitation of C-H bonds. […]”
See article here ➡
Photonics Industries’ OPO Series of novel diode-pumped, intra-cavity frequency conversion, Q-switched Optical Parametric Oscillator (OPO) represents the first commercially available OPOs to produce both high pulse energy pulses at high pulse repetition rates.
Photonics Industries OPO Series product information here ➡
Photonics Industries pioneering patented, intracavity tunable OPO technology information here ➡