(Ronkonkoma, NY Oct 14, 2016) Please visit us at ICALEO to see our compact industrial grade picosecond (ps) lasers, the RGH Series featuring:
* High Single Pulse Energy: up to 700 μJ
* New patented pulse picker technology provides a unique proprietary control system
* Total Pulse Control
* Burst Mode * Variable Rep Rate: single shot up to 8MHz
* PEC: Power or Pulse Energy Control<
* Pulse Width <15ps<
* Zero leakage
* Excellent beam quality (M²<1.3)
* Exceptional beam pointing stability
* Compact all-in-one industrial grade ps laser
* Low maintenance
And our high power UV ns lasers, the DSH Series featuring:
* Power: 12W to 35W
* Patented intracavity UV generation
* Non-consumable THG crystals with no indexing required
* More efficient harmonic conversion
* Better pulse to pulse stability
* TEM00 beam with typical M² < 1.1
* Simple design, compact, rugged, monolithic
* Total pulse control
* Pulse rates from single shot to 500 kHz
* Compact all-in-one industrial grade ns laser
* Field replaceable end pumped pump diodes
* Low maintenance
ICALEO is in San Diego, CAFrom Oct 16-20, 2016
Also, please see our corporate member profile in the October issue of LIA Today on page 19!
For more information on all our novel Photonics Industries’ laser products, please contactJoyce Kilmer, PhD
Director of Marketing
Photonics Industries