Ronkonkoma, NY – September 10, 2015
Photonics Industries (PI), The Pioneer of Intracavity Solid-State Harmonic Lasers, was the first to develop high efficiency Q-switched, intracavity second harmonic Nd:YLF green pump lasers back in 1993. PI continues to lead this technology today, outpacing ourselves and the competition again with the introduction of our new DS-527-25, the highest pulse energy Single-Mode (TEM00) Nd: YLF green laser in a single polarization, commercially available:
- 25mJ @ 1 KHz
- 45W @ 5 KHz
- Beam Quality TEM00 – M2 < 1.2
- Single Shot to 10KHz
Furthermore, this high pulse energy is scalable to 50mJ with the DS-527-25 in a dual head configuration for applications ranging from ultra-fast Ti:Sapphire amplifier pumping and Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) to diamond scribing.
This High Pulse Energy Single-Mode YLF Laser is a natural extension to our multimode DM Series product line where PI previously released our DM100-527, the Highest Pulse Energy 100mJ green YLF Laser available, which is scalable to 200mJ in a dual head configuration. A UV version of this high pulse energy Single-Mode TEM00 Nd:YLF laser delivering ~10mJ @ 351nm is currently under development.
For more information on the new DS-527-25 laser please contact:
Dr. Joyce Kilmer
You can also visit Dr. Kilmer at the upcoming:
11th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry
September 14-16, 2015
Santa Barbara, CA USA