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Medical Device Marking

  • DX Long Pulse Series

    355nm / 532nm Nanosecond Lasers

    Long pulse, high output power: >30W UV, 12~300ns. 50W Green, 65~340 ns.

    ⤓ DX-LP Series Datasheet


    • Unique in market for long, high energy nanosecond pulses
    • Pioneered intracavity harmonics – Excellent beam quality, low COO
    • All-in-one (AIO) for easy integration


    Photonics Industries’ DX Series long pulse nanosecond lasers provide industrial systems with a slim form factor, longer pulse width (up to ~340 ns), high repetition rate (up to 200 kHz) Q-switched DPSS laser for long pulse, thermal-focused, and deeper depth microprocessing. Specially patented intracavity harmonic generation, with no damaging indexing on the harmonic crystals, allows for higher performance and higher reliability, fulfilling demanding production criteria.

    ⤓ DX-LP Series Datasheet

  • RGLX Series

    High Pulse Energy Picosecond Lasers

    High pulse energy: 4 mJ IR, or 2.5 mJ Green at 1 kHz. With ~30 ps pulse widths.

    ⤓ RGLX Series Datasheet


    • Air-cooled 4mJ at 1kHz available
    • High kHz pulse repetition rates
    • All-in-one (AIO) design


    Photonics Industries’ RGLX Series picosecond lasers offer low pulse widths (~30 ps ps), high pulse energies (up to 4 mJ), and high repetition rates (up to 5 kHz). With no separate utility module, the all-in-one (AIO) RGLX Series is a pioneering laser for research, especially fulfilling new and emerging requirements in laser ranging (SLR), and also offers industrial sectors the pulse energy, repetition rate, and convenient AIO package for integration into systems for efficient micro-processing and meso-processing.

    ⤓ RGLX Series Datasheet
