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Metal Foil Cutting

  • DX Air-Cooled Series

    355nm / 532nm Nanosecond Lasers

    High output power: 10W UV at 50kHz. 20W Green at 70kHz.

    ⤓ DX-AC Series Datasheet


    • All-in-one (AIO), air-cooled form factor
    • Total pulse control
    • Pioneering intracavity harmonic technology


    The Photonics Industries DX-AC Series offers a compelling solution for applications from ultraviolet marking, specialty material micromachining, and additive manufacturing.

    These fully air-cooled lasers deliver industry-leading performance in beam quality, stability, and precision control. This is achieved through Photonics Industries’ pioneering intracavity UV and Green harmonic technology, ensuring higher reliability and lower COO. The DX-AC Series achieves this high performance in a remarkably compact package. The all-in-one (AIO) design integrates all electronics within the laser head, eliminating the need for a separate controller or utility module and minimizing footprint. The laser is “plug-and-play” with a simple 15V power supply for ease-of-integration.

    ⤓ DX-AC Series Datasheet

  • RX Series

    Infrared / Green / UV Picosecond Lasers

    High single pulse energy: ~1 mJ single pulse energy IR

    ⤓ RX Series Datasheet


    • Single pulse energy ~1mJ
    • All-in-one (AIO) for ease of integration
    • >1.1mJ total burst energy


    Photonics Industries’ RX Series mid power picosecond lasers offer high performance, high precision, and robust form factor for the most demanding industrial as well as scientific applications.  Photonics Industries is proven, with over a thousand picosecond lasers shipped worldwide, to meet and fulfill precision needs in manufacturing, scientific research, and new, emerging requirements necessitating ever smaller pulse widths in the ultrafast regime.

    ⤓ RX Series Datasheet
