Photonics Industries (PI),The Pioneer of Intracavity Solid-State Harmonic Lasers, has increased the power of its RGH Series picosecond (<15 ps) lasers to 70W.
The RGH Series lasers are compact industrial grade picosecond (ps) lasers with Total Pulse Control (e.g., individually triggered pulses on demand) and Burst Mode operation at output powers up to 70W @ 1064nm. With an adjustable repetition rate from single shot to 2MHz, the user can change the operating PRF and change the operating power or pulse energy through PEC (Power or Pulse Energy Control) function on the fly to maximize process flexibility. The RGH Series are the only industrial picosecond lasers with these maximal flexibilities on the market.
The new 70W RGH-1064-70 provides High Pulse Energies typically up to 700uJ (600 μJ @ 100kHz specified) from one of the smallest footprint, lightest weight industrial ps lasers commercially available. The all-in-one single box design simplifies installation by removing the need to manage a separate controller/power supply box and umbilical cable — not only yielding space savings, but also better reliability.
With many hundreds of RGH lasers currently deployed in factories all over the world, the RGH Series picosecond lasers have proven their robustness for even the most demanding industrial manufacturing environments for applications ranging from metal engraving/marking, LED dicing, thin film removal, small feature structuring, glass, sapphire and ceramics cutting, drilling, etc. to 3D Lidar.
For more information on the new RGH-1064-70 laser please contact:
Dr. Joyce Kilmer
Matt Corrello