Since the cost of energy factors heavily into the overall product life cycle costs, improvements in a laser’s wall plug efficiencies lead to improved manufacturing cost effectiveness. Photonics Industries, the pioneer of intracavity solid-state harmonic lasers since our founding in 1993, has introduced several new lasers with the highest wall plug efficiency up to:
- ~17% for green
- ~10% for UV
The new DP Series is the most compact, most efficient air-cooled laser remarkably produces up to:
- 20mJ @ 100Hz in IR (1053nm)
- 18mJ @ 100Hz in green (527nm)
- 8mJ @ 100Hz in UV (351nm)
- 2mJ @ 100Hz in DUV (263nm)
of ~4 to 8ns pulse width optical output all with a TEM00 mode quality at high repetition rates (up to 200Hz) in a compact, industrial grade, small all-in-one form factor while consuming only ~40W of electrical power (as much as 20x less than comparable competitors)!
In addition, PI offers a wide selection of pulse widths laser products including:
ns, sub ns or ps
in IR, green UV and DUV, as well as, high pulse energy (i.e., mJ) at high rep rates (i.e., kHz) ns pulse width lasers ranging from:
3.4um to 193nm
in fixed or tunable wavelengths.For example, Photonics Industries has introduced its new RX Series, the Highest Pulse Energy pico second (ps) laser in the market ~1mJ in IR, over 400uJ in Green and ~200uJ in UV:
- High power (up to 100W in IR
- Short pulse (~10 ps)
- High repitition rates up to 8MHz
- The most compact rugged All-in-One ps laser
- The highest efficiency ps laser with the lowest power consumption <600 W
Such high pulse energies allow for process efficiency optimization by spatial scaling as the beam can be split numerous times to simultaneously feed multiple work stations yielding the lowest Cost of Ownership (COO). Combined with increases in wall plug efficiencies, industrial micromachining customers can manufacture their products at a much quicker, more efficient rate, expediting their manufacturing processes at reduced cost.
For more information on Photonics Industries’ novel lasers, please contact:
Dr. Joyce Kilmer or Matt Corrello