Photonics Industries (PI), The Pioneer of Intracavity Solid-State Harmonic Lasers, was the first to develop high efficiency Q-switched, intracavity second harmonic Nd:YLF green pump lasers back in 1993. PI continues to lead this technology today, outpacing itself and the competition with the Highest Energy IR/Green solutions at kHz rates available:
- 200mJ per pulse in a dual head configuration
for a total combined pulse energy of
- 400mJ at 1kHz
from a single twin engine DM100-527-DH laser.
These user-friendly DM100-527 lasers were selected by a major Japanese auto manufacturer for their next gen Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) system to study the aerodynamics of tomorrow’s vehicles.
Available in both Nd: YLF and Nd: YAG, our industrial-proven DM Series have a compact form factor for easy mounting and integration into any OEM system. PI also announces a new controller design whereby the laser is controllable through the RS232 port and the LAN port. This change in packaging results from a major upgrade in our control electronics. See photo of the new controller below.
In addition to this, PI now achieves the highest pulse energy Ultraviolet (UV) laser providing:
- ~40mJ @ 351nm
commercially available with the same excellent beam quality (i.e., M2 ~10) of our green DM Series laser with our new DM-351 Series lasers. Furthermore, this high pulse energy is scalable to ~80mJ @1kHz in a dual head configuration for next gen PIV and UV induced fluorescence applications.
And for low rep rate PIV, PI now achieves up to 20mJ @ 100Hz in an air-cooled diode pumped laser, our new DP Series, for applications that need:
- Short pulse requirements (<10ns)
- High pulse energy with low power consumption
- Air Cooling
For more information on all our laser please contact:
Dr. Joyce Kilmer or Matt Corrello