Special Lasers

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  • Narrow Linewidth Ti:Sapphire Laser (1)

    With only a 0.1cm-1 linewidth, power outputs up to 1.5W and wavelength tunability in the fundamental from 700nm to 960nm along with its harmonics for wavelengths as short as 193nm, we have built a large number of these lasers for applications ranging from radioactive ion beam (RIB) to resonance Raman spectroscopy at major Universities all over the world

    Radioactive ion beam (RIB)
    The Resonance Ionization Laser Ion Source (RILIS) is a powerful tool for efficient and selective production of radioactive ion beams at Isotope Separator On Line (ISOL) facilities. To avoid isobaric background, highly selective stepwise resonant ionization is applied, using up to three different laser wavelengths. Due to their advantages in terms of stability and reliability, an all solid-state titanium:sapphire (Ti:Sa) system is used at the majority of on-line facilities worldwide.

    Biomed applications
    Tu Series TEM00 tunable Ti:Sapphire laser’s pulse width is perfectly matched to the lifetime of many fluorophores (i.e., ~10ns). With its Broad Tuning Range of ~700 to 900nm over the “Blood window”, High prf up to 10KHz and high average power of >1W, this makes the Tu laser a valuable tool for cell visualization and other novel biomed imaging applications, such as photoacoustics (PA).

    Multi-Photon Spectroscopy
    Atmospheric Research
    OH Radical Concentration Measurement
    Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF)
    Mass Spectrometry
    Raman Spectroscopy
    Resonance Raman
    CARS – freq domain spectroscopy with the narrower linewidths of our TU laser
    Non-Contact Inspection
    Time Resolved Spectroscopy
    Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence (PLIF) – with twin pulse mode

    Product Name
    Pulse Energy
    Pulse Width
  • Optical Parametric Oscillator (OPO) Laser (1)

    With our novel intracavity OPO technology, we have built a large number of these OPO lasers producing 1.5um to 3.4um outputs and power from 0.5W to 10W with pulse widths of ~10 to 15ns for applications such as eye safe illumination, defense range finding and biophotonic research.

    Photonics Industries novel intracavity OPO Series ns lasers can also provide mJs of pulse energy pulsed at kHz rep rates at any fixed wavelength selectable from the following wavelength ranges:

    • 3.4um to 2.2um
    • 2um to 1.5um (e.g., 1.7um)
    • 1um to 750nm
    • 666nm to 255nm

    all with a TEM00 spatial mode profile. Such lasers are applicable to medical techniques such as photoacoustic (PA) ultrasound medical imaging, photoacoustic tomography, 3D photoacoustic microscopy, UV surface excitation microscopy, laser surgery, etc.

    Product Name
    Pulse Energy
    Pulse Width
  • Single Longitudinal Mode (SLM) and Narrow Linewidth (NL) (1)

    SLM and NL options are available for many Photonics Industries lasers.

    SLM with linewidth <100MHz or narrow linewidth(NL) ~3GHz in the fundamental.

    Product Name
    Pulse Energy
    Pulse Width