Photonics Industries’ (PI) newly updated water-cooled DX Series Q-switched UV Lasers and Green Lasers
The best in the market, distancing themselves from the competition!
DX Series UV Laser – In the UV at 355nm
- The shortest Short Pulses for more peak power
- The highest High Pulse energy with up to 3x more pulse energy (>1mJ/pulse)
- Among the highest output power (15W to 50W)
- Wide repetition rate for <20kHz to >500kHz
- Better beam pointing stability < 25 μrad
- Highest DPSS laser wall plug efficiency laser available (~10% for UV)
DX Series Green Laser – In the Green at 532nm
- The shortest pulse width (<30ns @400kHz)
- The highest output power (30W, 50W, 65W and 100W)
- The widest rep rate up to 900kHz
- Highest DPSS laser wall plug efficiency laser available (~17% for green)
Common to both the UV and Green
- The Highest Efficiency for Less Power Consumption/Heat Dissipation
- Efficiencies ranging from ~20% to 50% more efficient depending on the specific models compared
- More “carbon neutral” for greener manufacturing
- The Smallest Package
- Monolithic All-In-One (AIO) laser design
- With no need for a separate utility module, PI lasers have a total volume of ~1/4th that of our closest competitors
- Less weight
- Complete Pulse Control
- Advanced Software Controls GUI interface for “on-the-fly” adjustments of pulse energy control and burst mode
- To Address Changing Ambient Temperature Conditions
- PI has wider operating temp range
- Superior Laser Performance
- Faster warm up times and stability (Typical 1% vs. 2-5%)
Furthermore, all new Photonics Industries’ lasers have additional features our competitors DO NOT have:
- Advanced Software Controls GUI Interface
- On-demand Remote Diagnostics capabilities
- Novel “No Contact/No Touch” calibration/remote service capability via the Internet
All to enable predictive maintenance!
Applying Our Lasers to Your Needs
Our DX Series Lasers enable better precision industrial laser micromachining applications such as: cutting, scribing, marking, and drilling of small features at unmatched COOs.
Do you have a need that our industrial lasers can fulfill?
to explore our range of industrial laser applications.